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Приколы 2020 — Самые Лучшие Приколы из Сети!

Мы собираем вам самые лучшие приколы YouTube смотрите и наслаждайтесь смейтесь, ставьте лайки, подписывайтесь на канал.

Дорогие зрители нашего канала, данное видео носит развлекательный характер, но в нем могут присутствовать шокирующие моменты и ненормативная лексика. Видео сделано не с целью кого-то оскорбить и унизить и не призывает вас к каким-либо действиям (не содержит призывы к насилию, жестокости и проявлению ненависти, а также совершению противозаконных действий или действий, способных нанести вред здоровью либо привести к смерти). Мы не пропагандируем причинения вреда несовершеннолетним, употребления ними алкоголя и их курения, а также злоупотребления наркотиками. Автор канала не несет ответственность за увечья и вред, полученные вами при попытке повторить увиденное. Настойчиво рекомендуем не повторять увиденное в реальной жизни.

Dear viewers of our channel, this video is entertaining, but there may be shocking moments and profanity in it. The video was not made for the purpose offend and humiliate anyone and does not call you for any actions (doesn’t contain calls for violence, cruelty and hatred, glorifying violence or promoting hate, as well as illegal actions or actions that could harm health or lead to death). We dont promote harm to minors, their use of alcohol and their smoking, or drug abuse.The author of the channel is not responsible for injuries and damages received by you when trying to repeat what you see. We strongly recommend not to repeat what you saw in this video in real life.

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Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Desperado · Rihanna


℗ 2016 Westbury Road Entertainment. Distributed by Roc Nation Records

Released on: 2016-01-28

Producer, Associated Performer, Guitar: Mick Schultz
Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer: Marcos Tovar
Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer, Producer: Kuk Harrell
Studio Personnel, Asst. Recording Engineer: Thomas Warren
Studio Personnel, Mixer: Manny Marroquin
Studio Personnel, Assistant Mixer: Chris Galland
Studio Personnel, Assistant Mixer: Ike Schultz
Associated Performer, Additional Vocals, Vocal Arranger: James Fauntleroy
Associated Performer, Vocal Arranger: Krystin Watkins
Associated Performer, Vocal Arranger: Rook Monroe
Associated Performer, Bass Guitar: Brian Schultz
Composer Lyricist: Krystin"«Rook Monroe»«Watkins»
Composer Lyricist: Mick Schultz
Composer Lyricist: Robyn Fenty
Composer Lyricist: James Fauntleroy
Composer Lyricist: D. Rachel

Auto-generated by YouTube.

Mike Posner - Cooler Than Me (Official Music Video)

Mike Posners official music video for Cooler Than Me. Click to listen to Mike Posner on Spotify: smarturl.it/MikePSpotify?IQid=...

As featured on 31 Minutes to Takeoff. Click to buy the track or album via
iTunes: smarturl.it/31MTT?IQid=MikePCTM
Google Play: smarturl.it/CTMGPlay?IQid=Mike...
Amazon: smarturl.it/31MTTAmazon?IQid=M...

More From Mike Posner
Bow Chicka Wow Wow: youtu.be/SWfUp70XMLI
Looks Like Sex: youtu.be/fKR5CL1Ml44
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More great Classic RnB videos here: smarturl.it/ClassicRNB?IQid=Mi...

Follow Mike Posner
Website: mikeposner.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/therealmikep...

Subscribe to Mike Posner on YouTube: smarturl.it/MikePSub?IQid=Mike...

— Lyrics:

If I could write you a song
And make you fall in love
I would already have you up under my arm.
I used up all of my tricks,
I hope that you like this.
But you probably wont.
You think youre cooler than me.

You got designer shades,
Just to hide your face
And you wear them around like youre cooler than me.
And you never say Hey
Or Remember my name?
And its probably cause you think youre cooler than me.

You got your high brow,
Shoes on your feet,
And you wear them around
Like they aint shit.
But you dont know the way that you look,
When your steps make that much noise."

#MikePosner #CoolerThanMe #Vevo #Pop #OfficialMusicVideo

Pump It

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Pump It · The Black Eyed Peas

Monkey Business

℗ 2005 Interscope Records

Released on: 2005-01-01

Producer, Studio Personnel, Engineer, Associated Performer, Vocals, Drum Programmer, Bass (vocal), Moog Bass: will.i.am
Studio Personnel, Engineer: Jason Villaroman
Studio Personnel, Engineer: Tal Herzberg
Studio Personnel, Mixer: Mark Spike Stent
Associated Performer, Vocals: Fergie
Associated Performer, Vocals: Taboo
Associated Performer, Vocals: apl.de.ap
Associated Performer, Guitar: George Pajon Jr.
Composer Lyricist: William Adams
Composer Lyricist: Allan Pineda
Composer Lyricist: Thomas Van Musser
Composer Lyricist: Stacy Ferguson
Composer Lyricist: Nicholas Roubanis

Auto-generated by YouTube.